You rely on SAP as your enterprise resource planning system?
By directly integrating the solutions we offer into the SAP interfaces, we provide your users with functions that relieve them of tedious routine tasks. From the filing of documents, to the procurement application, to the release of invoices.
In the process, individual sub-processes in SAP are linked to form a continuous process. The possibilities are manifold.
With special integrations, you can easily access your document management system (DMS) from your familiar user interface and thus work even more productively with it. For example, you can easily and conveniently create documents, e-mails, technical drawings, etc. and securely archive, research and edit them – directly from your SAP. In this way, you create a holistic workflow along the document life cycle within one application.
Use other useful solutions such as the digital personnel file, archiving, procurement processes and invoice workflow to expand your document management in SAP.
Document management software creates the basis for audit-proof storage with functions in the areas of traceability, completeness, accuracy, timeliness, order and immutability.
The procurement process consists of a complex process with five individual steps - from the purchase requisition to payment. The solution extends your SAP environment to make your procurement process digital from start to finish.
With the digital personnel file for SAP, you have a transparent overview of your personnel processes at all times. The electronic file follows the principles of personnel file management: transparency, accuracy, purpose limitation and confidentiality.
The incoming invoice processing solution for use with SAP enables the automatic posting, verification and approval of invoices in any company. It does not matter whether the invoices are SAP purchase order related (MM) or cost invoices (FI).
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